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Town of Princeton, Mass. – February 6, 2017 – 5 PM
Board of Selectmen –Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman present; and TA Nina Nazarian.

5 PM   Stan opened meeting of PBMLP in the Town Hall Annex. SEE SEPARATE MINUTES.

5:25 PM  PBMLP adjourned and Selectmen opened regular meeting.

Brennan Cheney was in as new hire in DPW and selectmen voted all in favor to appoint him as Highway Truck Driver/Heavy Equipment Operator effective February 21, 2017 at an hourly wage of $18.50.
        Representatives (4) from Princeton Farmers Market Group came in to explain their proposal for using town common for the market from end of May through October. They have had successful markets on the past few Sundays in the Congo Church and will continue indoors there through May. They explained that Jen Baum (not present) was their state-certified farmers market manager. They described their protocol for picking quality vendors and inviting community groups such as the PTA and NEADS.
        All three selectmen voiced their support and suggested getting advice from Nancy Hubbard and Police Chief Powers. Nina can approve signage and will look into the insurance issue. All vendors have their own insurance, some participants sign a waiver. Jen Baum will know more about that.
5:50 PM  Road Advisory Committee was in with presentation of CY17 road construction, with Larry Greene absent, Bill Holder and Kevin Toohey presented the calendar year road construction plans for the $350,000/yr. allocated by the town. Group discussed paving project on Calamint Hill Road and using millings from Hubbardston Road reconstruction as base. Estimate $2-400,000/mile for road paving using millings and up to $600,000/mile for complete reconstruction. RAC plans on having public meeting and directly invite neighbors along road before construction or tree-removal starts. All agreed on importance of educating abutters and avoiding the “surprise” factor with these major projects.
        Also discussed East Princeton bridge repair and reconstruction of Route 140 at Beaman/Route 31 junction. It could close road for six weeks. The RAC is currently taking inventory of all culverts and bridges in town. Engineering must be done before state road monies are awarded, and Princeton has been able to take advantage of being “ahead in line” with engineered plans. One repair to be considered sooner than later is South Wachusett Brook where it flows under Ball Hill Road just north of the RR trestle.
Group discussed futility of asking state for more Chapter 70 (education) money as Princeton is at a disadvantage with the regional system—some wealthier towns get more funding. Adv. Cmte. agreed to keep pressing state legislators.
        7:15 PM  Five members of Advisory Committee were present: Chairman John Shipman, Jim O’Coin, Wayne Adams, Don Schoeny and Judy Dino. They shared their “Report to the BOS on the 2018 Budget (1st Draft)” which selectmen had requested on Jan. 3.
John S. distributed a copy and discussed the main points. The group went over various accounting methods such as zero-base budgeting, top-down and bottom-up. Jon suggested possibility of “encumbrance accounting” for committed expenses. He has been researching financials of all town departments and comparing operating budgets with other communities, using a per capita basis. Princeton seems to have equivalent operating expenses, but its spending per capita is higher due to supplemental spending, such as OPEB, Fieldstone Farm, broadband etc.
        Nina wanted to clarify roles of Adv. Cmte., BOS and T.A. regarding the budget process. Stan suggested Adv. Cmte. spend February in getting their questions ready, in Nina’s absence, without going directly to department heads. It was pointed out that tax bill increases in Princeton rose from 2003 to 2015 by an amount that was just average compared to the other WRSD towns.
        The library is requesting a reserve fund transfer for new computers and Advisory Committee must approve it. The AC voted all in favor to approve transfer of $4,583. from the Reserve Fund into the Library Expense Fund.
        Group discussed records management and the Road Construction budget at $350,000 which is close to figure for excise tax collections. Nina noted the need for more funding for snow & ice removal which can be deficit spending approved by BOS alone.
7:50 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to authorize deficit spending for snow & ice of up to $30,000. Stan brought for consideration, proposal for two articles for ATM dealing with CATV revenue. There will be profit from sale of the equipment huts and also recurring payments from cable TV fees paid to town at about five percent of total revenues. He felt voters should decide where that money will go.
        Nina offered an Assessors request—they’d like change of assessment date from January to June, to capture spring construction season.
8 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to accept resignation of David Caporello from Conservation Commission. The position will be posted. They also voted all in favor to spend the approximately $3,000 received from insurance proceeds relative to vehicle damage from the Dec. 17 snow storm, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 44, section 53.
        Group discussed T.A. evaluation and agreed to put on agenda for next meeting on Feb. 21.
        It was noted that hockey goal nets were both stolen from the ice rink at Krashes Field. They are valued at about $150 each.
8:10 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to accept resignation of building inspector John Wilson effective Feb. 3 2017. Position will be posted internally and externally. Group discussed need for a Princeton representative on the WRSD Audit Board, and Jon F. offered to attend their meeting in the interim. Selectmen voted to appoint Jon as a temporary member.
8:17 PM  BOS voted all in favor to approve minutes of Jan. 23.
8:23 PM  Selectmen voted to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, admin.assist.

BOS Referenced Documents:  Resume from Brennan Cheney; Princeton Farmers Market Group brochure; presentation of CY17 road construction; AC’s Report to the BOS on the 2018 Budget (1st Draft); proposal for two articles for ATM; resignation letter of David Caporello; resignation letter of building inspector John Wilson.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department